Monday, February 28, 2011

Letter to the Egyptian People


Congratulations to the Egyptian people.


I write this to you in hiding. I am from the most enslaved society on earth. The United States. Yes, you may believe them to be free, but the reality is far from the that. As the poet Goethe said

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe themselves to be free”

Now is the dangerous time. Now they will tell you to compromise. They will tell you to keep peace with Israel and U.S. They will tell you to join the international community in its corrupt trade. They will promise a bigger piece of the pie for the people if you cooperate.

But remember it is not “democracy” that makes wealth. And there can be wealth without democracy. Look to Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. Even look at the U.S. a so-called democratic country which may appear to be wealthy but is now nearly bankrupt..

Wealth comes from resources and production of the people. But wealth can also come from stealing and corruption. Just like Hosni Mubarak, much of the wealth that the people of the U.S. have comes from corruption and stealing. The people pay taxes and the army goes around the world stealing and the politicians make corrupt deals to the advantage of the U.S. Another source of their wealth comes from borrowing money. But this is not true borrowing, they will steal it form their children or will not pay back the loans.

I left this system and no longer want to contribute because of these reasons. I do not want to face Allah on the Day of Judgment as a supporter of oppression. I have lived so long a good life in the U.S. but it was all deception and enslavement. The people in the U.S. are described as consumers, another word for parasites. They do not know how to make anything of real value, it is an entire lazy society of con artists. The victim they deceive most is themselves. I believe we will see soon a collapse of this “superpower. ”

Allah huAkbar.

I am asking the Egyptian people to be willing to make a longer and more patient sacrifice.

Do not make a deal with the U.S. If the army is with them, than they must go also. Do not now become Mubarak yourselves.

The Muslim world can take a good example from Egypt if they begin to grow their own food and reject the U.S. trade. Build up the economy of Egypt from within and with nations that are not deceptive and according to the law of Allah. No more central banks with Riba. No more free trade, but instead fair trade and halal trade. Stick to the principles of justice and the law of Allah, and the short term sacrifices will lead to long term gains.

These are very complex problems the Ummah and the world face today. We are destroying the planet we live on, the fish, the tress, the oceans, because we are all following the corrupt systems. Even many non-Muslims have realized this. We have abandoned decency and justice and the laws of Allah and disasters are happening so much that we think it is normal. This is not normal, it is insanity.

To the Christians of Egypt, this letter is also written in peace and advising. Do not be deceived by secular governments as a protection for you. The persecution against the Christians in the middle east did not begin with Islam, it began when the colonial powers attempted to destroy the substance of Islam and replace their hand-picked oppressors. In Europe where Christians and Secular governments ruled and rule, the populations of Jews and Muslims that lived there were systematically wiped out and erased. Yet, in the lands where the Muslims ruled and where only recently the dictators and monarchs replaced them, Jews and Christians communities live until this day.

This is not to denigrate the Christians, I once was one myself, my family still is, but the truth is that I loved my parents even more after I became Muslim. The real Muslims will respect and love you and allow you to worship Christianity as it should be, and so you must also resist the temptation to join these wicked governments such as the U.S. and Israel. Their values are against Christianity and the Israelis kill the Christians equally.

If you think that America is Christian and will help you, you must understand that real Christianity has been eroded in America. The secular and bureaucratic system slowly destroys religion, family, society and morality. There are places in the United States that are more dangerous and the people are more poor than in Egypt. This is a fact.

According to Susan George of the Transational institute during the nine years from 1982 to 1990 poor debtor countries transferred $706 billion in interest payments to rich creditor countries in Europe and the United States and a total payback of $1, 345 billion. During the same period the financial resources transferred to from the rich countries to the poor countries totaled just $927 billion revealing a net balance of $418 billion profit by the rich countries. The primary beneficiaries were the elites of the poor countries and wealthy investors of the rich countries.

Mubarak is just the face of the people who have been stealing from you for centuries. If this is not understood and that the only solution is independent economy and halal economy abiding by the Shariah, the the same game will continue.

This message is for the Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, Yemeni and all of us including myself. Until we wave the flag of Rasulullah we are just wasting our efforts.


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