Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Assuming that we agree that the United States government is not valid or legitimate and that the territory it occupies was obtained through force, and that it may equally be lost through force, resistance or decay. However, we acknowledge that it is a powerful entity and therefore proper strategies and techniques should be employed by Muslims to establish independent communities within and without its official borders.

We should understand that it power is limited and for each exercise of its power and force a cost must be paid. The power might be thought of as the amount of resources, both human, capital and material, that the government and its supporting entities(people, corporations, associations) employ in order to maintain and accomplish objectives. Then if the costs exceed the resources available to achieve any given objective or to maintain any status, the objective will not be achieved and the status will not be maintained. It is difficult to measure the actual figures, but any and all forms of resistance will increase the likelihood that success can be achieved for those who would like to foil U.S. Objectives.

A strategy I propose for Muslims living within the territory illegitimately occupied by the entity known as the United States government is as follows:

Form independent communities. The objective of these communities should initially be to achieve independence in the four essential areas of food, water, shelter and security.

Muslims should join with other Muslims who reject the imposed laws of the United States government. Currently, such brothers and sisters are scattered about and diluted amongst many Muslims who are either ignorant, weak, or corrupt and so concentrating together with Muslims dedicated to resisting and receding[define] or seceding from the United States will increase chances of success.

Form Credit Unions that do not deal in interest.

Coordinated purchase of farm land

Islamic oriented ecovillages or intentional communities

Openly denounce the constitution and compulsion of U.S. Citizenship.

Get control of water sources to drink clean water.

Quit your job and homestead.

Volunteer at Nursing Homes.

Give sandwiches to homeless people and talk to them with respect.

Suggestions welcome. . .

Openly denounce the goals of a secular form of government, and reveal the truth that such governments simply consume the resources of the earth for the benefit of a select few and discards them causing further damage and corruption. Whether communist or capitalist, we can say that any system that limits its objectives to the current world will always fail in achieving material success for all of its members and further will if successful culminate by a system that consumes and discards.

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